Responsive WordPress Themes are flexible and resize a website to fit any device:
smartphones, tablets, large & small monitors, e-readers, mobile phones, games consoles, and netbooks

Responsive WordPress Themes - Blogging - BuddyPress - Business - Classifieds - E-Commerce - Magazine - Music
Newspaper - NonProfit - Photography - Portfolio - Real Estate - Restaurant - Tumblr - Video
Wedding - Premium WordPress Themes 2012


These themes are for bands or musicians that want an online presence through a self-hosted website. The following themes are considered to be responsively designed so that fans and followers can visit the bands website via their phone. They will be able to get access to special media and other features without interrupting the band's theme style.

Minuet Premium Responsive Theme

sold at & theme style:

Minuet is a theme with a responsive layout.  Maybe you’re a musician that needs your own flexible website, without a lot of fuss.  This theme was created for musicians looking to create a blog or portfolio for their band.

Price: $49

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