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These responsive magazine themes offer a lot of content to be placed up front and center for maximum exposure to visitors. Even with their responsive design, these themes retain their appearance, not confusing the visitor on where to go, how to get there and how to read the latest or most popular news.

Tech News - Responsive Premium WordPress Theme

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TechNews is a one-of-kind responsive technical magazine theme because of the feedback the designers received from other REAL bloggers to create a tested and successfully laid out design.  The theme comes with an already made strategic homepage highlighting important elements that many REAL bloggers have requested, custom widgets that include Slider, popular posts, grid/list view posts, ad widgets, newsletters, and social media that you can utilize on your site.

Price: $65

The responsive layout means it automatically adjusts to the visitors screen size making it look great on desktop computers, tablets and smartphones.

TechNews is a Magazine Responsive WordPress theme for the self-hosted (.org) version of WordPress (read this). Premium themes typically include support and updates. See more Responsive WordPress Themes.

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Mosaico - Responsive Magazine WordPress Theme

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Mosaico is an unique and responsive magazine WordPress theme with clean, sleek and customizable design. Theme includes lots of advanced features and functions and is based on solid backend framework.

Price: $30

The responsive layout means it automatically adjusts to the visitors screen size making it look great on desktop computers, tablets and smartphones.

Mosaico is a Magazine Responsive WordPress theme for the self-hosted (.org) version of WordPress (read this). Premium themes typically include support and updates. See more Responsive WordPress Themes.

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Neu - Magazine Responsive Theme

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Neu is designed for web publishers who have lots of content that is topic-centered.  Features include: 2 featured post styles, two layout styles and a simple responsive layout with a great color.

Neu Theme Standard Pack: $49
Neu Theme Developer Pack: $99

The responsive layout means it automatically adjusts to the visitors screen size making it look great on desktop computers, tablets and smartphones.

Neu is a Magazine responsive WordPress theme for the self-hosted (.org) version of WordPress (read this). Premium themes typically include support and updates. See more Responsive WordPress Themes.

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